
Notes on making travel videos

Notes on making travel videos

Full disclosure: I work at Vimeo, and Cameo is part of the Vimeo family of products. That said, no one here asked me to write this post and I’m not being compensated for it. All opinions, as always, are my own. 

So! To be honest, I’ve never been much of a video person. When it comes to watching videos online, I have a super short attention span and am constantly distracted. And when it comes to making videos, I’ve been super intimidated by how intense the process seems to be: making a great video is far more difficult and more involved than taking a great photo. But over the past nine months of working at Vimeo, I’ve been watching a lot more videos and I’ve been more interested in making videos.

Enter Cameo: a free app that lets you make awesome videos on your iPhone. We just released the 2.0 version last week, and I absolutely love it. Even for someone like me–who has absolutely no experience in making videos–it makes it so easy and so fun. The user interface is really simple to upload, cut and edit footage, and you can add cool filters and text. My favorite part, though, is the music: we have all of these deals with emerging artists to use their songs–not only does cool music make every video better, but I’ve also discovered so many cool up-and-coming bands through it.

All of that said: one of my goals this year is to make more videos! I’ve embedded a few recent ones below, but feel free to follow me on Vimeo. I want to make one of all my weekends away–it’s such a fun little moving memory that I think I’ll love being able to look back on.

If you’re interested in watching travel videos that are far better than any I can make: here’s a collection of my favorites.  And I highly encourage downloading the Cameo app and trying it out for yourself!

Washington, D.C. from Christine Amorose on Vimeo.

Curacao 2015 from Christine Amorose on Vimeo.

RAABRENNAN WEDDING from Christine Amorose on Vimeo.

Also: I’m thinking about putting together some tips for how to make a cool travel video using Cameo (once I’ve practiced a bit more!). Any interest?