
Postcard from Berlin

Postcard from Berlin

Berlin isn’t exactly the type of city you’ll need your sunglasses for: it used to be a swampland and has maintained much of its former Eastern Bloc capital charm. Despite its rather depressing history, Berlin is a city worth visiting: the history alone is staggering.

Renovating the Berlin Wall in 2009

Piece of the Berlin Wall in Potsdamer Platz

Piece of the Berlin Wall in Potsdamer Platz.

Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe: the blocks are on uneven ground, leading to disorientation and confusion, much like what went on during WWII.

Building in Berlin

My favorite of the signs outside: You can keep your yuppie flats, we’re happy with our rats.

Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, Germany

Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin: beautiful inside and out.

Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, Germany

The sprawling grounds outside Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin are the perfect place to walk or unwind.

Treptower Park: Soviet War Memorial

The Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park is striking in size and grandeur: you almost forget the Soviets ultimately lost.