
Tag Archives:

street art

Graffiti: street art or simply vandalism?

Over the past year or so, I've fallen in love with street art. Unlike the white-washed, pristine feel of Nice, the twisting alleyways of Marseille, Lyon and Paris were covered with neon tags, stenciled social commentary and gorgeous murals. I...
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Postcard from Newtown

Taking advantage of cheap flights, I hopped up to Sydney a couple of weekends ago. I spent one gloriously sunny day exploring Newtown: a colorful and slightly off-beat suburb. I wandered through countless bookstores on King Street, searched for...
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Postcard from the streets of Collingwood

Until I ventured into Collingwood, I never realized that there was a clear river split in Melbourne. Like the Left Bank/Right Bank in Paris, there is a decidedly different vibe once you head to the "other side of the river." It rides that fine line...
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Postcard from Bondi Beach

While I didn't lie out at Bondi Beach, it's still synonymous with Sydney beach culture. However, it's not always sunshine and bikinis: I caught a dramatic storm brewing over the ocean when I did the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk. The crazy clouds and...
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Postcard from Hosier Lane

There are a lot of comparisons between Melbourne and Sydney, but one of my favorites is that Sydney is the hot girl while Melbourne is the one with a great personality. While Sydney has a striking harbour and gorgeous beaches--you know, that sort of...
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