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Of the moment // 6.19.14

One of the reasons why I blog is simply to have the space to write: getting things “on paper” helps me to process my feelings and organize my thoughts. I also love having a record of my life over the past few years: a place that holds all of my...
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Date idea: making pasta!

Growing up in California, you learn how to entertain: you're raised on backyard barbecues, dinner parties and copies of Sunset Living magazine. Particularly in the suburbs, everyone has modern kitchens (read: dishwashers!), separate living and dining...
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On the scene at New York Fashion Week

While I might be beach-hopping in New York on the weekends or sailing to the Statue of Liberty at sunset, I'm usually in front of a computer from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday as the social media and marketing manager for ONA. One of the perks of...
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A new site, and a charming way with words

A few years ago, a fortune cookie told me You have a charming way with words. I tucked the fortune into my wallet, and carried it around with me as I traveled, wrote, took photos. A friend noticed it last summer, noting what an apt description it...
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