

2018 Chevrolet Equinox

A whirlwind weekend in Northern California

What a crazy weekend! To quickly sum up: we drove to Los Angeles on Thursday night to drop off Gertie with my friend Aly and then stayed with friends in Hancock Park, drove to Sacramento on Friday for that evening's wine tasting event, cleaned out my...
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Christine Amorose in New York City

The beauty maxims I live by

I tore this quote out of a magazine when I was living in my first apartment in New York City in 2012, and somehow it's followed me through every move since then. I can't remember what magazine it was, and I unfortunately don't even know who said it:...
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Palm trees in San Diego

Our upcoming travel plans

Now that we're getting settled into life in San Diego, I've started thinking about my favorite thing: where to travel next! I honestly would have already booked a million trips by now, but David requested that we take some time to get settled into...
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North Park, San Diego

If you’re thinking about moving to a new city

When we decided to move to San Diego, a few people were surprised that we would move to a new city for “no real reason” – no job, friends, family or clear-cut opportunity would be waiting for us there. We were essentially moving for the city itself....
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San Francisco, California

Of the moment // 8.18.17

One of the reasons why I blog is simply to have the space to write: getting things “on paper” helps me to process my feelings and organize my thoughts. I also love having a record of my life over the past few years: a place that holds all of my...
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