
Monthly Archives:

December 2013

2013 resolutions: what I did more of this year

One of my favorite things about having a blog is that it holds me accountable. Writing things down automatically makes me more likely to follow through on goals, and that accountability is doubled when it's shared publicly. That's why I'm a big fan...
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Looking back on 2013

2013 was a good year. I feel secure in the choices I've made, content with my relationships and environment. My mantra has forever been peaceful, grounded, stress-free; this is the year that I've finally felt it all come to fruition. I've found peace...
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Currently: on the beach

Ah, jeez. The past couple weeks have been rough. No matter how excited I get about a spurt of travel, soon enough the reality catches up with me: long lines at airport security, not having all of my tried-and-true beauty products, a night at home...
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The best of Miami, via Instagram

Low 80s, sun shining, desperately humid but with an ocean breeze: Miami in the winter is a world away from the chill of New York City.I've visited twice recently--once after a cruise in 2012, and most recently for work a couple of weeks ago--and it's...
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Postcard from Wynwood Walls

When I visited Miami in December of last year, I stuck to South Beach--mostly because I couldn't bear to leave the Surfcomber. This year, I headed down with ONA for the Miami Street Photography Festival (we were a co-sponsor with Leica), which took...
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