
The beauty maxims I live by

The beauty maxims I live by

I tore this quote out of a magazine when I was living in my first apartment in New York City in 2012, and somehow it’s followed me through every move since then. I can’t remember what magazine it was, and I unfortunately don’t even know who said it: Google searches for attribution have been fruitless. But the words have been an integral part of my life over the past five years. It’s taped to a framed print that hangs over my nightstand, so I read it every night before I go to sleep and in the morning when I’m making the bed.

Bar Sixtyfour at Rainbow Room in New York City

“My favorites are: Less is more; beautiful women have a natural glow that doesn’t require several layers of makeup; one dress that makes you feel special is better than ten in the closet; and things don’t need to be expensive to be valuable.” 

It’s my daily reminder of what’s important, especially in this age of social media showiness. I try to focus on health and wellness over makeup and fashion, and look for quality pieces that can multitask. I don’t wear much jewelry, other than my engagement and wedding rings and my grandmother’s high school ring. I want to feel just as confident and comfortable without “the pretty filter” (aka the 99% of my life that is not being Instagrammed) and I want to always look and feel like me.

Do you have a beauty maxim that you live by? 

p.s. here’s my beauty routine and my sleep routine