
One thing to fully relax

One thing to fully relax

One thing that I try to do fairly regularly (but without much success): completely disconnect. Although I meditate for 20 minutes every morning with my phone on airplane mode, it’s not always a complete escape: there’s often a frolicking pug at my feet, sirens outside my window, that day’s to-do list threatening to intrude on my headspace. And for the other 23 hours and 40 minutes of my day, I’m often tethered to my phone–whether or not I want to be.Lift Floats in Brooklyn, New York

So! One of the huge draws of trying out Lift Floats was the complete sensory deprivation: it’s 60 minutes without light or sound or my godforsaken phone. If you’re not familiar with floating, you’re essentially in a private room or pod that gets 100% dark where you float in water with 1000 pounds of Epsom salts. You float right on the surface, giving your body and mind a total break from gravity and reality. It’s a bit of a weird experience, but also super liberating.

I’m not generally claustrophobic, but it was an overwhelming experience to be in total darkness (note: you don’t have to turn off the lights!). I played the relaxing music for about the first half of my time in the pod, which really helped to settle into the float and the darkness. I turned it off once I was a bit more settled in: it’s such a rare experience to not have any sensory input, and it was really nice to have some time (completely) alone with my thoughts. Bonus: the Epsom salts actually make your hair and skin super soft!

Mentally, it was a really great escape–but physically, it’s also so nice to take a complete break off your joints and muscles. One of my girlfriends swears by regular floating to get all of her “life breakthroughs.” I didn’t have any crazy self-discovery, but I definitely left feeling lifted and I could see how this easily could work into a regular wellness routine.

Side note: I think this would be incredible for pregnant women since it takes all of the pressure off your joints! This is going to be my go-to “hooray, you’re pregnant! gift for all soon-to-be-mother friends moving forward.

Has anyone here tried floating before? Love it or hate it?