
Two things to not get sick

Two things to not get sick

It’s basically become a running joke among my friends: whenever someone mentions feeling a little under the weather or like they have a cold coming on, I always give the exact same two pieces of advice.

One: drink a hot toddy tonight! My grandmother was the biggest believer in the power of a hot toddy: hot water, lemon, honey, some fresh ginger and a shot of whiskey. They’re super soothing, especially for sore throats, and the bit of whiskey always helps me fall asleep a bit faster.

Two: use a neti pot! I have some friends that use it every day and others that only use it when they’re feeling stuffy–I usually use it about once a week, and maybe a bit more if I’m feeling a cold coming on. It’s so helpful to keep your sinuses clear and unobstructed. It’s from the Ayurvedic tradition (I started using one during yoga teacher training) that prescribes keeping your nasal passages clear, and it’s so helpful in the winter months.

This is by no means official advice from a doctor–actually, 100% based on personal experience–but I rarely get sick (I also refuse to get the flu shot, but that’s another story) and I do feel like these two things really help keep me healthy.

What are your favorite tricks to avoid getting sick?