
One thing to make your mornings better

One thing to make your mornings better

The habit that has made my mornings both more productive and more pleasant…

Turning my phone on airplane mode before I go to sleep and not taking it off until I’m ready to leave. 

It keeps me focused on the tasks at hand: getting up and out of bed, walking Gertie, taking a shower, meditating for 20 minutes, getting ready, packing my bag and getting out the door. I don’t get distracted by checking social media or answering email, and it means I spend at least one hour a day not completely attached to my phone. It helps me start my day feeling calm, collected and in control–something that helps me stay more confident and productive throughout the day.

And the night before, it helps me fall asleep faster and sleep better since I’m not distracted by text conversations or my phone lighting up with notifications.

I usually turn it on when I’m brushing my teeth (aka my last task before I dash out the door) to double check that there aren’t any massive subway delays and to download a podcast for my commute. One of the things I need to work on: not being on my phone on my walk to work! I usually like to catch up on group text conversations ASAP, but now that there’s wifi on the trains, I’m trying to savor some of that lovely disconnected energy for a bit longer.

What’s your favorite hack to improve your mornings?

p.s. You might like notes on my full morning routine!